Tableau Dashboards Sample RapidDox Output

Microsoft Word(DOC)

Portable Document(PDF)

Microsoft Excel(XLSX)


CSV File (CSV)

Tableau Versions Supported : 2020.4, 2021.1, 2021.2, 2021.3, 2021.4, 2022.1, 2022.2, 2022.3, 2022.4

Output Documentation Coverage

Summary Stats
No. of Dashboards Indicates the number of dashboards.
No. of Worksheets Indicates the number of worksheets.
No. of Data Sources Indicates the number of data sources in the workbook.
No. of Data Source Filters Indicates the number of data source filters in the workbook.
No. of Custom SQL Indicates the number of custom SQLs in the workbook.
No. of Fields Indicates the number of fields in the workbook.
No. of Calculated Fields Indicates the number of calculated fields in the workbook.
No. of Groups Indicates the number of groups in the workbook.
No. of Hierarchies Indicates the number of hierarchies in the workbook.
No. of Parameters Indicates the number of parameters in the workbook.
No. of Sets Indicates the number of sets in the workbook.
Data Source
Data Source Alias The Alias Name of the data source.
Data Source type Indicates the type of the data source.
Source Source of the data based on where the data comes from. For e.g., excel, mysql, postgres etc.
Joins Shows how the data from this source is joined together from multiple tables.
Custom SQL
Data Source Alias Name of the data source alias.
Custom SQL Name Name of the custom SQL.
Custom SQL The value of the custom SQL expression.
Data Source Filters
Field Name The name of the field that needs to be filtered on.
Field selection
Field Wildcard
Field Condition
Field Limit
Context Filter
List of Dashboards & Worksheets Used
Dashboard Name The name of the dashboard.
Worksheet Name The name of the workbook.
Logins Used
Datasource Alias Name of the data source alias.
Login The login used.
Tables And Fields
Data Source The name of the data source.
Source Database The name of the source database.
Table Name The name of the table from where the field comes from.
Field Name The name of the field.
Remote Field The remote field name.
Data Type The data type of the field.
Used Indicates whether the field is used in this workbook.
Folder The name of the folder.
Dimension/ Measure Indicates whether this field is a dimension or a measure.
Hidden Indicates whether this field is hidden or not.
Calculated Fields
Calculated Field Name The name of the calculated field.
Tableau Field Name The name of the calculated field in Tableau.
Data Source Name The name of the data source.
Formula The formula to be used for calculating the value of the field.
Used? Indicates whether the field is used in this workbook.
Group Name The name of the group.
Grouped Value Name The name of the grouped value.
Grouped Values The values that are grouped together.
Used? Indicates whether the group is used in this workbook.
Hierarchy Name The name of the hierarchy.
Fields Indicates whether the group is used in this workbook.
Data Source Name The name of the data source.
Used? Indicates whether the hierarchy is used in this workbook.
Parameter Name The name of the parameter.
Data Type The data type of the parameter.
Allowable Value Type The type of allowed values. For e.g., range, list etc.
Current Value The default value for the parameter.
Values The value(s) of the parameter.
Used? Indicates whether the parameter is used in this workbook.
Set Name The name of the Set.
Filter Details The filter details to be used in the creation of the set.
Used? Indicates whether the set is used in this workbook.
Workbook Map
A map of the workbook. A visual representation of the workbook.
UnUsed Fields
Data Source Alias The name of the data source alias.
Field Name The name of the field.
UnUsed Worksheets
Worksheet Name The name of the worksheet.
UnUsed Parameters
Parameter Name The name of the parameter.
Unused Calculations
Calculation Name The name of the calculation.
Unused Hierarchies
Hierarchy Name The name of the hierarchy.
Unused Sets
Set Name The name of the set.
Unused Groups
Group Name The name of the group.
Dashboard – Summary Stats
Worksheets The number of worksheets inside a particular dashboard.
Parameters The number of parameters inside a particular dashboard.
Quick Filters The number of quick filters inside a particular dashboard.
Actions The number of actions inside a particular dashboard.
Dashboard – Worksheets Used
Worksheet Name The name of the worksheet.
Dashboard – Parameters Used
Parameter Name The name of the parameter.
Dashboard – Quick Filters Applied
Field Name The name of the field.
Sheet Name The name of the sheet.
Apply to Indicates whether the quick filter is applied on all or the selected sheets.
Dashboard – Actions
Action Name The name of the action.
Source Sheet The source sheet name of the action.
Target Sheet The target sheet name of the action.
Run Action On The name of the trigger when the action is to be run.
Target Filter(s) The value of the target filter. For e.g., All, Selected etc.
Dashboard – Dashboard Map
A map of the Dashboard A visual representation of the dashboard.
Worksheet – Used in Dashboards
Dashboard Name The name of the dashboard.
Worksheet – Data Sources
Data Source Alias The Alias Name of the data source.
Data Source type Indicates the type of the data source.
Source Source of the data based on where the data comes from. For e.g., excel, mysql, postgres etc.
Joins Shows how the data from this source is joined together from multiple tables.
Worksheet – Blends
Primary Data Source
Primary DS Blended Field Name
Secondary Data Source
Secondary DS Blended Field Name
Worksheet – Filters
Field Name The name of the field that needs to be filtered on.
Field selection
Field Wildcard
Field Condition
Field Limit
Context Filter
Worksheet – Actions
Action Name The name of the action.
Source Sheet The source sheet name of the action.
Target Sheet The target sheet name of the action.
Run Action On The name of the trigger when the action is to be run.
Target Filter(s) The value of the target filter. For e.g., All, Selected etc.
Worksheet – Actions
Object(s) Used
Mark Type
Worksheet – Calculated Fields Used
Field Name
Worksheet – Columns & Rows in Worksheet
Field Name
Story Board
Story Board Name The name of the story board.
Story Point Name The name of the story point.
Dashboard/Worksheet Indicates whether it is a dashboard or a worksheet.
Dashboard/Worksheet Name The name of the dashboard or the worksheet name.

Tableau Prep Sample RapidDox Output

Output Documentation Coverage

Summary Stats
Connections Indicates the number of Connections in the Flow file.
Input Steps Indicates the number of Input Steps in the Flow file.
Output Steps Indicates the number of Output Steps in the Flow file.
Input Fields Indicates the number of Input Fields under all the Input Steps of the Flow file.
Union Steps Indicates the number of Union Steps in the Flow file.
Join Steps Indicates the number of Join Steps in the Flow file.
Pivot Steps Indicates the number of Pivot Steps in the Flow file.
Aggregate Steps Indicates the number of Aggregate Steps in the Flow file.
Clean Steps Indicates the number of Clean Steps in the Flow file.
Actions Indicates the number of Actions in the Flow file.
Name Name of the Connection.
Connection Type Type of the Connection. For e.g., Excel, MYSQL etc.
Is Packaged? Indicates whether the input data files are packaged along with the Flow file.
File Name Name of the packaged input data file.
Summary Stats – For every Flow to an Output Node
Input Steps Indicates the number of Input Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Output Steps Indicates the number of Output Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Input Fields Indicates the number of Input Fields under all the Input Steps of the flow to a particular output node.
Union Steps Indicates the number of Union Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Join Steps Indicates the number of Join Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Pivot Steps Indicates the number of Pivot Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Aggregate Steps Indicates the number of Aggregate Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Clean Steps Indicates the number of Clean Steps in the flow to a particular output node.
Actions Indicates the number of Actions in the flow to a particular output node.
Input Step
Step Type Indicates the type of the input step based on where the data comes from. For e.g., excel, csv, mysql etc.
Connection Name Connection Name from where the Input Step reads the data.
Action Names Names of the actions of this step, if there are associated actions.
Contains Header Indicates whether the Input Data comes with a header row or not.
Input Fields – For every Input Step
Field Name Name of the input field
Field Type Data type of the input field.
Collation A boolean value that indicates whether the field is collated or not.
Union Step
Step Name Name of the union step
Actions – Before Union List of actions that are to be performed before the Union.
Actions – After Union List of actions that are to be performed after the Union.
Sources List of nodes from which the data are to be combined through the union.
Join Step
Step Name Name of the join step.
Actions – Before Join List of actions that are to be performed before the join.
Actions – After Join List of actions that are to be performed after the join.
Conditions The conditions to be evaluated during the join.
Join Type Type of the join. For e.g., inner, outer etc.
Sources List of nodes from which the data are to be combined through the join.
Pivot Step
Step Name Name of the pivot step.
Actions – Before Pivot List of actions that are to be performed before the pivot.
Actions – After Pivot List of actions that are to be performed after the pivot.
Groups The group of fields when pivoting from columns to rows.
Use Smart Defaults Indicates whether the Tableau Prep’s smart default naming feature is turned ON or OFF.
Aggregate Step
Step Name Name of the aggregate step.
Actions – Before Aggregate List of actions that are to be performed before the aggregation.
Actions – After Aggregate List of actions that are to be performed after the aggregation.
Group By Fields The names of the fields to be grouped by during the aggregation.
Aggregate Fields The fields to be aggregated.
Clean Step
Clean Action The list of clean actions that are to performed.
Output Step
Step Name The name of the output step.
Step Type Type of the output step depending on where the data is outputed to.
Hyper Output File Name of the Hyper Output File.
TDS Output Name of the TDS Output File.
Remove Column Action
Action Name The name of the remove column action object.
Column Name The column name that is to be removed.
Is Before Indicates whether the remove column action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Remove Columns Action
Action Name The name of the remove columns action object.
Column Names The list of column names that are to be removed.
Is Before Indicates whether the remove columns action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Rename Column Action
Action Name The name of the rename column action object.
Column Name The name of the column name that is to be renamed.
Rename The new name of the column that it is to be renamed into.
Is Before Indicates whether the rename column action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Range Filter Action
Action Name The name of the range filter action object.
Ranges Configured value for the range that is to be used during filtering.
Is Before Indicates whether the range filter action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Add Column Action
Action Name The name of the add column action object.
Column Name The name of the column that is to be added.
Expression The expression using which the value of the column is to be calculated.
Is Before Indicates whether the add column action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Change Column Type Action
Action Name The name of the change column type action object.
Column Name The name of the column whose type is to be changed.
Type The type to which the column is to be changed into.
Calculation The calculation to be used in case the value of the column is to be calculated during the type change.
Is Before Indicates whether the change column type action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Calculated Field Action
Action Name The name of the calculated field action object.
Column Name The name of the calculated field.
Expression The expression to be used to calculate the value of the column.
Calculation The calculation to be used to calculate the value of the column.
Calc. Expression Type Type of the calculation expression.
Is Before Indicates whether the calculated field action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Remap Action
Action Name The name of the remap action object.
Column Name The name of the column on which the remap action is to be performed.
Values The values to be used during the remap.
Is Before Indicates whether the remap action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Filter Operation Action
Action Name The name of the filter action object.
Filter Expressions The expression to be used during the filtering.
Is Before Indicates whether the filter operation action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.
Bulk Rename Columns Action
Action Name The name of the bulk rename columns action object.
Selection Rule Indicates the selection rule for the columns that are to be renamed.
Included Columns The list of columns that are to be included in the renaming.
Exempted Columns The list of columns that are to be exempted in the renaming.
Columns Operation The operation that needs to be used while renaming the columns.
Is Before Indicates whether the bulk rename columns operation action is to be performed before or after the core action of the Step this is associated with.
Name Space Name Space value of the action.

Tableau Data Source (TDS) Sample RapidDox Output

Microsoft Word(DOC)

Portable Document(PDF)

Microsoft Excel(XLSX)


CSV File (CSV)

Tableau Versions Supported : 2020.4.14, 2021.1.11, 2021.2.8, 2021.3.7, 2021.4.3

Output Documentation Coverage

Summary Stats
No. of Data Sources Indicates the number of data sources in the workbook.
No. of Data Source Filters Indicates the number of data source filters in the workbook.
No. of Custom SQL Indicates the number of custom SQLs in the workbook.
No. of Fields Indicates the number of fields in the workbook.
No. of Calculated Fields Indicates the number of calculated fields in the workbook.
No. of Groups Indicates the number of groups in the workbook.
No. of Hierarchies Indicates the number of hierarchies in the workbook.
No. of Parameters Indicates the number of parameters in the workbook.
No. of Sets Indicates the number of sets in the workbook.
Data Source
Data Source Alias The Alias Name of the data source.
Data Source type Indicates the type of the data source.
Source Source of the data based on where the data comes from. For e.g., excel, mysql, postgres etc.
Joins Shows how the data from this source is joined together from multiple tables.
Custom SQL
Data Source Alias Name of the data source alias.
Custom SQL Name Name of the custom SQL.
Custom SQL The value of the custom SQL expression.
Data Source Filters
Field Name The name of the field that needs to be filtered on.
Field selection
Field Wildcard
Field Condition
Field Limit
Context Filter
Tables And Fields
Data Source The name of the data source.
Source Database The name of the source database.
Table Name The name of the table from where the field comes from.
Field Name The name of the field.
Remote Field The remote field name.
Data Type The data type of the field.
Folder The name of the folder.
Dimension/ Measure Indicates whether this field is a dimension or a measure.
Hidden Indicates whether this field is hidden or not.
Calculated Fields
Calculated Field Name The name of the calculated field.
Tableau Field Name The name of the calculated field in Tableau.
Data Source Name The name of the data source.
Formula The formula to be used for calculating the value of the field.
Group Name The name of the group.
Grouped Value Name The name of the grouped value.
Grouped Values The values that are grouped together.
Hierarchy Name The name of the hierarchy.
Fields Indicates whether the group is used in this workbook.
Data Source Name The name of the data source.
Parameter Name The name of the parameter.
Data Type The data type of the parameter.
Allowable Value Type The type of allowed values. For e.g., range, list etc.
Current Value The default value for the parameter.
Values The value(s) of the parameter.
Set Name The name of the Set.
Filter Details The filter details to be used in the creation of the set.